Sunday, September 7, 2008

the beginnings

once upon a time, man lived in caves. he was happy in the caves.

twice upon a time, woman lived in caves. needless to say, she did not find the same joy in this that man did.

a few years later, they started living in houses. many would say, "ehn... big deal. they're nicer places to live, deal with it."

this is where most people would be wrong. a cave can be rendered amazingly comfortable with a few small amenities, for those who would site a lack of comfort. the biggest bonus of cave though is this: they don't move. not only do they not move... but there aren't loads of them around, so you don't have lots of options of different ones to move to. besides... they really don't differ all that much one from another, unless you have a thing for limestone wall hangings.

this being the case, it was very infrequent that man, or woman, would move from cave to cave. it was just well beyond the point since they were far too far away from each other, and a hole in a rock's a hole in a rock, right?

sadly, a very short time after the advent of houses came automobiles. not only was there a living structure that could be put anywhere, but there was not a means of moving it around.

which leads us to the topic at hand:

this cannot be good.