Friday, September 26, 2008

mac do

today we went store hunting. there’s a really good grocery store called ED here -- cheap, decent quality products. it also, unfortunately, is clear the buckets up north of town. so basically, we’re probably not going there very often from now on. we did at least get our giant ED shopping bag... cuz i don’t know what we’d’ve done without that.

but i digress.

while we where there, we also went for a little snackage chez macdo... yes, micky d’s. don’t worry, it’s not the hole in the ground restaurant it is in the states, where you’re afraid of catching communicable diseases by merely glancing toward the playground equipment. it’s a semi-classy place in france.

we got one of the specialty burgers (france does this thing where every so often they have special burgers, like variations on regional cuisine and stuff... a bit odd, but good) -- the british touch -- in a combo with a little lemon sundae for dessert. i think it’s the first time i’ve been asked if i wanted a coffee with my meal, as opposed to “would you like fries with that?”

there were three things that i thought were super cool at this macdo that i’ve never seen before at any other fast food restaurant, which i will now disclose in small detail.

  1. a little kiosk where you can order and pay for your food, to have it available at a special little counter in short order. wow! talk about taking convenience to the next step. now if there’s a cashier i really don’t wanna smell or try to understand through their thick accent: BAM!

  2. the urinal (really, only half cool...) was a) flush-less, saving 150,000 liters of water a year -- the equivalent of 4 persons usage -- (this part not so impressive, they have them at craters of the moon), and b) the little panel that informed you of the spiffiness of you urinating facilities LITES UP as soon as the stream hits porcelain. HOW FLIPPIN’ COOL IS THAT!

  3. and no doubt the coolest thing of all... just for going in and selling a small portion of your soul to the mcdonald’s world enterprise -- i mean, we’re talking a small fry or drink -- unlimited, FREE wifi. whoa! it doesn’t get much better than that.


Torri ;o) said...

mark what is wifi?

Gui said...

wireless internet.

only, like, one of the coolest things known to man.

aside from wireless electricity.