Tuesday, September 30, 2008

recap of days past

right oh... today not much interesting at all. slept in too long for that!

however, i do have things from days past to recount. lucky you.

when we came on saturday to finish signing the contract and get into the apartment, it was in the early evening (4-4:30). our concierge, bernard, was showing the new landfolk (as of that morning...) the building, and said he’d be up in a bit. he never came, so since we had to do things in town (like shopping), we went down to the main level and ran into the chap in the office. he was ever so slightly sloshed, despite the fact that he still had 45 minutes on the clock... that didn’t stop him from dutifully assisting us write up the last bits of paper work... in which he managed to spell my name two different ways (marck and marckc) after i spelled it out for him. to give him a few props, he did manage to get 90% of the words on the lines provided... and only forgot to fill in 2 or 3 fields that i had to point out, or fill in myself. not bad. granted, it did take him 15 minutes to do 3 minutes worth of paperwork...

in other news... they have a great little paper store here in town. with pens. :) we like pens. nice ones, too. they even have one for 905€. not shabby for such a small place.


Jay said...

I lost my waterman, but I still have a butt-load of ink. I need to see if I can order another one from e-bay, but most of the ones they have in the US are nice expensive ones, and not just standard.

Gui said...

you can get one in the byu bookstore, i think. but yeah... super expensive.

and you gotta get another waterman too, eh? they have the special cartridges.

mayhaps i can look for a simple yet nice one for you here.