Saturday, October 18, 2008

and a beer, please

we went shopping today. we decided to go to a store that was a bit on the other side of town... but as i recall a lot cheaper that (where we are presently shopping). lidl.

having received some subpar instructions from our mildly inebriated concierge several days before... our chances of success where slim. so, naturally, i decided we should ask for directions from someone else!

now, this may seem like the logical, normal thing to do. but, you’re never really sure who you’re gonna run into on the streets here... their blood alcohol level... or the reliability of their instruction giving techniques. such can be quite different from what one would encounter in the states.

we fell upon a nice man with wild, frizzy hair and a dog. and he seemed sober. very kind fellow. we asked where lidl was, and he indicated, “oh, it’s a good 900 meters that way.” i was ready to head off, but he said, “it’s hard to get to... i’ll show you the way.” he was out walking his dog anywho...

very kind of him. and they say the french are rude. pah!

we come around a couple corners, and i see where he’s leading us: aldi. not lidl. granted, there’s not much difference between the two... but still not lidl. i was somewhat disappointed: no princess cookies for me.

as we approach the store, i thank him for his kindness in bringing us all the way. meanwhile, he’s reaching in his pocket, grabbing a 2€ coin. “could you grab me a can of beer? i can’t go in with the dog.” i protest, saying i know nothing about beer... i don’t drink! “oh... it doesn’t matter. get the one that’s 0,47€...”

what can i say to the guy? “heck no, you overly nice man with frizzy hair! fie! fie!” i’m too nice... so, i get the guy his beer. on the way back to him, another fellow asks us if we have any cigarette paper to spare. “uh... no, sorry.” “oh, you don’t smoke?” “no.” “good on ya... keep it up.” we give thierry his beer (and, coincidentally, ask him his name...) and go back in to get our own supplies. while there, we see a man stumbling down the isle... 0,47€ can of beer in hand. he can barely stand up... he’s so drunk I’M having trouble walking... and he’s off to buy more liquor. and it’s at this moment i remember, among other things, why i always preferred doing my shopping at

all that... and i didn’t even get my princess cookies.