Wednesday, December 24, 2008

i'll remember.... I PROMISE!

so first off....i’m really awful at this blog thing....

there was something really funny that mark did the other day...and i can’t remember what he did....but i really wanted to blog about it


ill try to the meantime...


i’m certain these are really much different than how i have spent them thus far...

however i have found them to rather entertaining...

thanksgiving....well okay...umm obviously the french don’t celebrate this being an American holiday....starting with the pilgrims....(have i mentioned yet how much i love living across the road from the catholic church and hearing the bell....?...well...i really do like to hear it it’s fun....) yeah so nobody even mentioned it in passing...i really had no idea when it was....i think the missionaries brought it up at church...but yeah...we ended up buying some sandwich meat (turkey) and some really expensive cheese...(comte....YUMMY!!!) very expensive....we then took that home and mark proceeded to make crepes and we put the comte and turkey in the crepes and they was really good....and of course was saved some for sweet was really yummy and made me quite happy

it finally decided to start getting cold here a bit after thanksgiving...all my friends at school thought i was crazy....when i told them how cold it can get in idaho and utah they were amazed.

other interesting things were also going on at school..

it turns out that this year a law is changing that somehow effects the validity of the students diplomas. many students all over france are upset about this. however i just happen to be going to the school that has a record for protesting about EVERYTHING! ALL THE TIME! so for about a week or so people refused to come to school in large numbers and actually blockaded the school to keep people out...however...they really just don’t want to go to school so it was very simple for me to get into school...thankfully...

during this time the only kids that were at school were the ones that truley wanted to be at school and wanted to learn and who saw the importance of their education.

(in france it is REALLY hard to get a’s a very small country with alot of people in it....even when you have amazing specific credentials and are the best your age at what you do...if there isn’t an opening in what you have decided to do....your screwed....sorry about the dirty expression but thats really just how it is.)

so during this week or was basically me and my best friends...(i was very happy to see that my best friends here were the kids in the school talking about how ridiculous the kids outside were as opposed to being the one outside....) I CHOSE GOOD FRIENDS MA! go me!

so yeah school settled down a bit for the last 2 weeks before the vacation and on the last couple days i had more sugar than i think i have eaten in my entire life....i think i almost fell into a diabetic coma.....not even kidding! and they kept offering me more! the frenchies are trying to kill me! so yeah....

Christmas vacation has been fantastic and this evening (Christmas eve) my dear husband and i once again had our turkey and comte crepes and guess what else?!



we couldn’t help buying the BBQ sauce when we saw it...and it was pretty dang good stuff for france not gonna lie!

yeah we’re having some good holidays...and tomorrow we are going to get a real taste of french holidays.....or something like that.....

yeah....anywho....french T.V. is really funny.....

more news to come.... :]


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say hi. missed you both during christmas. love you both very much. did you have a good christmas? let me know how things are going. love mom

Kristy Lynne said...

Cool. There you go. That's it.

-Brian (he also chuckled)

Gui said...

uhmm... yeah.

christmas was good. you've probably already read the post(s) about it.

all around, stuff is workin' out ok. :)