Thursday, February 5, 2009


okay... so i'm sitting here doing some internetting at the university. i have a habit of doing that. it keeps me from oversleeping.

i'm in the commons area, by the coffee and food vending machines, when all at once some really crazy sirens start going off. i'm not entirely sure, but i suspect they are fire alarms. so... i wait and see if there's actually anything gonna be done about it. after a minute or so, people start filing toward the doors, so i follow suit.

now for the irony.

upon getting outside, at least 10% -- if not a full quarter -- of the students and faculty reach into their pockets... and start smoking.


B-Blogit said...

LOL this post is the most enjoyable thing I have read in so long!
Fanstastic blog here I will keep reading!

Gui said...

why thank you... i try.

if you've got any suggestions, feel free. :)